Our Biggest Winner

On January 2nd 2002, Mr. R.H. from Switzerland (who wishes to remain anonymous), received a wonderful shock! He was called by Angie (his contact at OSA) who told him he'd won £16.6 Million (US$24.1 Million) in the U.K. National Lottery - which at that time was the biggest individual cash payment ever in UK Lotto history.

According to Angie, it was several minutes before he could actually speak . When he did speak it was to say he had always been certain one day he would win a large cash prize in an international lottery.

Mr. R.H. is a 61-year old Swiss businessman who was traveling in Brazil at the time of his win. He flew to London for the day to collect his prize (with his Brazilian girlfriend whom he has now married).

The winner was playing the same combination of numbers in U.K. Lotto, German Lotto, French Lotto, Spanish Lotto and Canadian Lotto (where entries were made for him by OSA only when a big Jackpot began to roll-over and accumulate). His numbers came up in U.K. Lotto in the Jackpot Draw on January 2nd, and were the ONLY numbers to win the huge cash prize that day!

His winning numbers were 02 - 06 - 20 - 24 - 29 - 32.

The U.K. Lotto Jackpot had not been won on December 26 so the amount was rolled-over to December 29, 2001. It was not won again and rolled-over to Wednesday, January 2, 2002 when our player's numbers came up. He was the only winner of the Jackpot in the Draw that day.

More Lotto Jackpot Winners

EuroMillions – US$530,000
(July 1, 2010)

Last July 2010, we had a Vietnam War veteran (Mr. Nelson) take home US$ 530,000 from the Euromillions draw he participated in. When our company representative called him to share the big news, he didn’t act surprised at all.

I had a hunch that I was going to be a winner. When I got the letter from OSA reminding me that a big jackpot was coming up, something ‘clicked’ in my mind and I felt sure it was going to be me.

60 year old Mr. Nelson was a decorated war veteran. In Vietnam, he was a ‘spotter’. “I rode around in a jeep with a machine gun and a big searchlight in a forward camp. When we heard the enemy moving around the perimeter, my job was to drive up and shine the light on them, then shoot like no tomorrow.

He of course knew that it was dangerous, however he also knew it was his duty. “I was badly wounded. When I came home, I had to recover for a long time. But in the middle of it, I decided to finally do what I always wanted to do… I became a disc jockey in Chicago” he fondly recalled.

In 1994, his old injuries flared up causing his health to decline gradually. He admitted he received benefits from the Veterans Administration but it wasn’t enough to support his recovery plus his wife & kid. After a few years, he found himself living alone.

It was during this tough time that Mr. Nelson received the letter from OSA. He used a small portion of his funds to participate in the international lottery since he had the ‘hunch’.

We asked him what he plans to buy when he gets his winning and he happily told us that he plans on getting a house (even just a small one to call his own) and to eat at a nice restaurant since he hasn’t been able to go out for a long time.

After a few weeks, we called him back to check in on him and he admitted that he now feels a bit overwhelmed after the prize money showed up in his bank account. “It took a few weeks to sink in. I would check my bank balance at the ATM over and over just to see the amount on paper.

We congratulated him again & before we ended the call he told us, “I will still play with OSA; I have $30,000 on my account for you to enter me every month. I still have that hunch.

UK Lotto – US$184,896.71
(November 3, 2001)

During the year 2001, we had a UK couple who were living and working in Germany who won in the UK Lottery. Their lucky numbers that matched one of the lower winning divisions was: 10 17 31 34 39 44. After the November 3, 2001 draw they were US$184,896.71 richer.

Mr. P Hubbard & Mrs. D Hubbard may have been far from home but it did not stop them from entering their favorite game. Even with the distance, they participated through OSA and helped them get their BIG WIN.

USA American Powerball – US$1,000,000
(January 22, 2014)

If you think the impossible will never come true, we are here to prove it to you otherwise.

During the January 22, 2014 American Powerball draw, one of our players matched the second division prize worth US$ 1,000,000.

Player's numbers: 1 2 7 9 55 21
Winnings numbers: 1 2 7 9 55 29

Want to know what's more exciting? We gave this ticket to him for FREE for being one of our valued players. We were more than ecstatic to tell him the good news. We want to share his story with all our customers; his only wish was to remain anonymous so he can enjoy his win to the fullest.

Do you want to be part of our growing list of winners?
Would you like to see your story on this page and win millions of dollars that will change your life?

Make your first step now by entering OSA's Top Play of the week or you can also check out all the available lottery offers on our main page.

Estimated Jackpot: € 243 Million US$ 263.4 Million
Next Available Draw: Friday, March 28, 2025
08:00 PM GMT+01:00
Time left to Purchase: